Group 5 Video Time Stamps & Information Below:

Just preparation for mindset to delve deeper into the topic. Intro.
"Outcome 5a. Apply marketing and/or advocacy principles to demonstrate and promote the value of libraries and information agencies."
A promotional video visit to my local library Looscan. Showing some of the various portions of the place and some of what it has to offer.
"Outcome 5b. Demonstrate effective professional communication to achieve common understanding as an individual or in group settings."
A presentation for my MLIS 707 class wherein I was given per the rubric a "one take" speech to do with a presentation that could be edited affecting myriad of libraries. I chose the topic of supply chain disruptions. I walked people through a very serious topic and try to inject some levity into the presentation. The paper I wrote for it afterwards is also there to be viewed. My professor literally suggested I should teach Library school in her canvas grading reply to myself.
"Outcome 5c. Demonstrate leadership principles in an educational, professional, or community context."
In my MLIS 708 class we covered the need for professional leadership to make data driven decisions. In this regard I share some charts of various data construction and several certificates of completion from Linkedin assigned from the class.
"Outcome 5c. Demonstrate leadership principles in an educational, professional, or community context."
In my MLIS 768 class we covered the need for professional leadership to make patrons aware of Terms of service agreements for social media. In this regard I share A canva infographic for the project, however I went above and beyond this and created a 3d video game to demnstrate that the Terms of Service of social media can be placed therein. Making them more engagig for clients instead of hidden away. That TOS should be accesible and easy to understand. That in fact the largest purveyor of VR games could do this easily if a humble student (myself) could.I interjected some attempts at levity with another social media phenomenon namely: memes.
"Outcome 5b. Demonstrate effective professional communication to achieve common understanding as an individual or in group settings."
MLIS 768 social media class blog repository review. Here I show the work done inside the class that effectively communicates complex topics in today's social media context.
"Outcome 5c. Demonstrate leadership principles in an educational, professional, or community context."
MLIS 768 social media class blog repository review. Here I show the work done inside the class that demonstrates how to utilize social media as a good digital citizen. This can be used as a way to help others understand some of the finer aspects of social media and used as a guide therein.
"Outcome 5b. Demonstrate effective professional communication to achieve common understanding as an individual or in group settings."
MLIS 724 technoloyg class blog repository review. Here I show the work done inside the class that demonstrates how to utilize technology in education. This can be used as a way to help others understand some of the finer aspects of technology and used as a guide therein.
"Outcome 5b. Demonstrate effective professional communication to achieve common understanding as an individual or in group settings."
MLIS 724 technoloyg class blog website professional presence project. This was a website created to simply introduce ourselves to the world and thus prove our ability to do so on ap professional level, demonstarting code ability and kowledge apropos to our profession. In this instance repositories for analog and digital resources from wakelet collections. I like cats. :)