Group 4 Video Time Stamps & Information Below:

Folder to 28 chapter videos


*The power point presentation is too long to embed in the browser of safari and chrome as it is 60 gigabytes. So after having transferred them to videos they are simple to run now.

"Outcome 4a. Apply library and information science theories, principles, and research to professional practice."
An opportunity to see the 60 page paper as a paper for a libguide on antiquarian bindery that I made.
outcome 4a continued as I present the information in a professional website. Thus professional practice is accomplished.
"Outcome 4b. Evaluate current and emerging technologies for information capture, organization, dissemination, access, and/or curation to meet the variety of information needs of diverse communities."
I show how the anime sectional database requires an in depth appreciation for the japanese culture. That we need to meet the needs of diverse communities with access.
"Outcome 4c. Demonstrate teaching and learning principles in relation to professional practice."
I shared a presentation with another person for my MLIS 722 class wherein we cover the evolving concept of romance as it applies to age, orientation, and time relevancy. That what we think of as a young adult today was not the case many years ago when some literature was written. What some think is apropos has changed in public opinion.
"Outcome 4c. cont."
I made a presentation for my MLIS 815 class wherein I cover the evolving concept of little red riding hood as it applies to age, social issues, and time relevancy. That what we think of as a fairy tale or folk tale has evolved over time and is not a static thing but rather a dynamic one. Changing in public opinion based upon perceptions rather than reality of what the "story should be".
"Outcome 4c. cont."
I made a presentation for my MLIS 812 class wherein I cover the evolving concept of Beuaty and the Beast as it applies to anime, manga, and film and various other forms. That what we think of as a fairy tale or folk tale has evolved over time and is not a static thing but rather a dynamic one. Changing in public opinion based upon perceptions rather than reality of what the "story should be". I attempted levity in the utilization of memes.
"Outcome 4c. cont."
I made a presentation for my MLIS 812 class wherein I cover the evolving concept of The Little Mermaid as it applies to age, social issues, and time relevancy and myriad of aspects of it. That what we think of as a fairy tale or folk tale has evolved over time and is not a static thing but rather a dynamic one. Changing in public opinion based upon perceptions rather than reality of what the "story should be".
"Outcome 4c. cont."
I made a presentation for my MLIS 718 class wherein I cover Annotated bibliographies for 15 different source books containing myriad of collections of books, and stories. About 54 pages worth of Annotated bibliographies.