Group 1 Video Time Stamps & Information Below:

Just preparation for mindset to delve deeper into the topic. Introduction and tour to read the paper and see the poster etc.
"Outcome 1a. Describe the evolving nature of the core values and ethics within diverse information environments":
Many information environments are competeing one against another for dominion or versions of truth. Nowhere is this made more evident than in the realm of artificial intelligence today. This portion of the video shows a poster wherein I demonstrate the knowledge of that environment and how Libraries are the apropos possessor of Artificial intelligence dominon given the Lyons Accord.

"Outcome 1b. Demonstrate how a philosophy, theory, model, and/or major perspective of the library and information profession guides practice in diverse settings."
In this paper presentation portion of the project I demonstrate how the Lyons accord model can shape the perspective of the rightful caretakers of artificial intelligence to actually be Libraries. I show wherein chatGPT formed its core data from Libraries and from open source venues. I expound upon the ethics of whom controls Artificial Intellignece in terms of access.
"Outcome 1c. Participate in professional activities and associations, such as professional conferences and meetings, internships and practicums, and professional email discussions and social media."
My professor had us create a speech on our paper and poster under the auspices of giving them to a conference or professional meeting. I in fact engaged with the knowledge I acquired from this class and spoke on Linkedin with various professionals inside Data science, expounding upon the notion of the Lyons convention to help with access for all. The speech exercise helped me in that endeavor.I also engaged online with the IFLA about supply chain disurptions from my LIS 707 class project.
"Outcome 1c. Participate in professional activities and associations, such as professional conferences and meetings, internships and practicums, and professional email discussions and social media."
The supply chains of Libraries is an issue facing the whole of the field. I attempted to share this video with the IFLA on their social media when they were asking for input from the public to consider for their strategic goals for the next year. In light of the dynamic world threats, I felt it apropo to share a synthesis of preparatory thoughts with levity introduced. The project was originally for my MLIS 707 class and was supposed to acclimate us to public speaking. One take of the speech was permitted while the video could be edited with effects however we wished it to.

"Outcome 1c. Participate in professional activities and associations, such as professional conferences and meetings, internships and practicums, and professional email discussions and social media."
A project to showcase a possible service for a library to consider for my MLIS 707 class. The precept being that this would be a presentation followed by a mock interview addressing questions utilizing marketing and leadership qualities. With the concept of writing being a lost art of appreciation and its consequent form of physical books being less enticing for the public I sought to provide a novel idea for a project for a library to consider undertaking. Like the previous video we were allowed one take for the speech (the interview) and could add effects however we desired.

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